To view agent availability with log in, log out and unavailability times click on the Agent Availability tile as shown in the example below:
The following 'Search' window will be displayed:
Select the team from the drop-down list as shown in the example left, or check ‘Select All’ to select all the teams.
User ID
Select the user(s) from the drop-down list as shown in the example left, or check ‘Select All’ to select all the users.
Select (or enter directly in DD//MM/YY format) the ‘Start Date’ and the ‘End Date’.
In the example below, the Teams and User IDs shown in the previous page have been selected and the date range for the Agent Availability is 04 July to 08 July, 16.
The following agent information will be displayed:
To expand and show more detail click on the symbol as shown in the example below:
Additional information regarding logged in date and times will now be displayed, as shown in the example below:
Product Video:
This short video shows you how to access Reporting Services, and includes viewing and managing 'Contact Centre Agent availability' reports.
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