To view teams and to display team activity:
1. Click on the teams link from the left hand navigation menu as shown below:
To be able to view your teams, you will
also need to be a member of each team you wish to view.
You will have the option to sign in / sign out of teams as required.
2. Click to expand the team in which you wish to view statistics as shown in the example below.
3. The default (or previously selected) statistics will now be displayed.
In this example the sales team statistics are:
Calls in Queue
Longest Call in Queue
Ongoing Calls
Calls Answered
Ongoing Outbound Calls
Average time to Abandon
Calls answered in 60 seconds
See the related posts section for links to both Team and Agent statistics.
Selecting and managing team statistics.
1. Click on the Edit icon as shown
2. A list of currently configured statistics will now be displayed:
3. You can now change the order of the displayed statistics by dragging them up or down,as shown below.
Adding team statistics. 4. Clicking on the Team Fields shown in the example below will display a list of all the available statistics that can be selected for your team.
Click to select the required statistic(s) which will be moved up into the top window
Removing team statistics
Team statistics can be removed by selecting the statistic and clicking on the x (cross icon) as shown in the example below which will remove the 'ong calls' statistic. The statistic that has been removed, will now be re-assigned into the available Team Fields list.
The statistics can be used and removed as many times as you wish. For a complete list of the 60 available statistics with a description of each see the Team statistics from the 'Related posts' link at the bottom of this page.
Product Video:
This short video shows you how to view and manage your team and agent statistics:
Related posts:
Teams | what team statistics are available within contact centre
Supervisor | what agent statistics are available within contact centre
Supervisor | how-do-i-manage-specific-statistics-for-different-teams
Supervisor | how-do-i-manage-specific-statistics-for-my-agents
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